We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature--trees, flowers, grass--grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...We need silence to be able to touch souls. --Mother Teresa

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Random Dozen

1. Would you rather host party or simply attend a party?
How about neither?  I know that's a surprise to a lot of people.  
2. Tell us about the most memorable party you've been to. 
 I really can't answer this question because I have no memory of memorable moments at a party I have been to.

3. What is one thing you hope for in the after-life?
I hope I will serve a useful purpose.  Not like flies.  They throw up on your food.  What purpose does that serve?
4. What do you enjoy most about sunshine?
It warms my bones.  It warms me to my very core...I love the way that the world looks when the sun is shining.  Everything is cleaner, brighter, happier when the sun is shining. 

5. When you attend a bridal/baby shower, do you prefer to bring your own gift or chip in with others to buy a larger gift?
I feel a little wishy washy this week.  Depends.  At school, I think that it is better to chip in and get a larger gift.  On the street, I like to do my own thing.  Like one time we went to a couples shower (my husband REALLY enjoys this 'new' thing) and the couple was in their 30's.  My gift to them was the makings for a human banana split.  Chocolate syrup, cherries, whip cream.....you know the drill. 

6. Would you rather have a FREE week of having your house cleaned or all of your meals cooked for you and your family?
Hands down and on your knees with a cleaning rag I will take the house cleaned.  I lovelovelove to cook and can see little point in cleaning.  Why clean when there are so many books that need to be read?

7. What song describes your mood today?

8. What is something you received for your own bridal shower/wedding that you still own or use?
Stainless steel pots and pans.  ON BRAND pots and pans.  My mother-in-law still has the Saladmaster set she got for her wedding 52 years ago.  That's my goal....let her son live that long without me doing him in and have the same pots and pans for 52 years.  I figured it up and they both need to last until 2039.  
9. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is?
Wwweeeellllll.  Again.  Wishy washy.  If I have the chance to go to the dairy bar on campus, I choose strawberry.  If I am eating alone, I choose Bunny Tracks by Blue Bunny.  If I am only buying one for the family, I choose cookies and cream--the on sale brand.  
10. When was the last time you felt "tested?"
February.  Enough said.   
11. "[Fill in the blank] is a food that once I start eating I find really hard to stop."
Anything that comes in the form of food.  Fried food.  Cookies.  Fresh veggies.  Strawberries.  Watermelon.  And the list goes on.....
12. "-----" is the best motivation.
A class reunion.  No, really, think about it.  I want people to know who I am WITHOUT my name tag.  Just sayin'.  


Jill said...

#12 cracked me up, and I'd also rather read than clean.

Joyce said...

Muskrat love -ha!

I am in total agreement on #6!

Cathy said...

Yep, definitely reading is more important (and more fun) than cleaning.

Mary said...

Laughing at your answers!
I bought the pineapple corer/slicer (that's all it was called on the packaging) at Kroger. It was hanging up in the produce section.

Together We Save said...

Love your answers!!

Kerri said...

I put some books in your mailbox. I love the Terri Blackstock series. It is probably on of my favorite. The other two books were pretty good too. I don't need them back anytime soon. Enjoy!

Kim said...

I wish someone would leave books in MY mailbox, as I would also prefer to read than clean! Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, but you destroy yourself when you are cruel. -Proverbs 11: 17