The Gospel this morning was about how Jesus sent the Apostles out on a mission with only the clothes on their backs and a walking stick. No food. No money. Just sent them out. He wanted them to totally rely upon God for food and shelter. WOW. (Mark 6; 7-13)
Even more interesting was the Bishop's homily. He talked about how we think that we must have "everything" in order for things to go perfectly. I am guilty of this. Among other things--he referenced vacations and how much luggage we take on vacations--I am guilty of this.
So I got to thinking...
What if we could only take a Ray's sack on vacation? Everything must fit inside the sack.
Flash forward to our dinnertime. Homemade chicken and noodles. Mmm.
Conversation about the Gospel and the homily. I casually mention the whole Ray's sack idea. Mr. Wonderful jumps on it like white on rice. CG panics.
More conversation.
At this point the whole idea becomes reality.
Lots of "what if.....(insert any desperate attempt to change our minds here)......"
Rules: everything you are taking on vacation must fit INSIDE the following--a green reusable grocery bag and your book bag. And Mr. Wonderful does mean everything. Shoes, books, laptop, shampoo--WHATEVER.
This seems like a crazy thing to do. This is gonna be fun. I love this kind of challenge.
Um, yeah. Before you get all you people are awesome! I can't believe you're gonna do that to your little lovelies! Our vacation is at Granny and Grandpa's HOUSE on Lake of the Ozarks. Yep. Electricity. Air conditioning. Washer and dryer. 3 bedrooms with real, live beds and 2 inside bathrooms.
4 get-ups. Just sayin'.
2 comments: is this for your real vacation or just a hypothetical trial?
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