We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature--trees, flowers, grass--grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...We need silence to be able to touch souls. --Mother Teresa

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Project Complete

I have completed my Christmas tree skirt.  And it didn't take as long as I thought it would--no kidding.  I only started it over a year ago.

Here is the finished product....I think I will skip all the step by step stuff...I do have pictures of it but I think you get it.  I stood on a chair to take this picture so you could have the full effect of the skirt.  I am very pleased with how it turned out.

Here it is under the tree.  I especially like the way the skirt looks with my red bulbs and my homemade cinnamon ornaments.  The colors compliment each other quite nicely, don't you think?  I also like the way the skirt looks against my wood floors.

I will tell you that it isn't a perfect project.  I thought I would gather the edging before I attached it to the main body of the skirt.  Because of the thickness of the quilt--I have no idea what it is exactly that was used as batting but whatever it was is still very thick and very warm--whenever I would sew a basting stitch and then try to gather it, my thread would break.

On to plan b....which worked and I am very satisfied with it.  Plan b was to simply sew the edging to the main body kind of easing it through as I sewed.  I didn't even pin it.  I just sat down and sewed.  I am not telling you that it is perfect.  As is usual for my projects, the underside doesn't look so lovely, but to quote my mom...'don't look at it'.  She also said, 'don't tell people and they won't know.'  So much for following that advice.

Here is a full picture...I don't really like this picture but I am having issues with my flash usage.   Plus the tops of the curtains don't look level.  The dog pillow is showing and some cords and my husband was trying to play a video game and didn't want to move out of the chair so his foot is in the picture.  Geez--such imperfection. 

I am off to start and finish another sewing project.  Snow days are such a gift...just sayin'.

P.S.  I edited this several times before I published it...and then found errors....published it again...found more errors....and again and yet, again.  I guess I can't type as fast as I think. 


And yes, they let me teach other people's children.   Just sayin'.

1 comment:

Mrs. E said...

I love it! It turned out great!

I teach English at CHS (yeah, scary!) and find errors in my blog posts all the time. I keep telling my students they need to revise. Now I take my own advice!! So glad you found Easy Street.

Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, but you destroy yourself when you are cruel. -Proverbs 11: 17